Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So I have to admit something.... I use Facebook... you probably know this because you are my friend on the site or have asked me to be your friend. If it took me a while to accept your friend request it is because I was thinking about whether or not I wanted you cluttering my account. Every time I get a friends request from someone I don't know or hardly know I want to decline their offer. However, I guess this would be construed as anti-social. Recently, I was cleaning out my friends list of the people I haven't spoke to on Facebook or in person in over 6 months. This little exercise got rid of about 16 "relationships" or whatever they are referred to on Facebook. You know what, within a couple of days most of the people asked to be my friend again. I reluctantly accepted the invitation knowing that I would perform the same exercise in a couple of months and see if I can slip under the radar.

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