Monday, October 27, 2008

Epic Hike - Only I wasn't there??!?!

My dad and his girlfriend Sherry went out to California a few weeks ago and they sent me these photos. This hike started at 2:30AM and concluded at 7PM that night! That is what I call epic!!!

I really like the above photo.

Spy Rock.

So I was getting ready to post some photos of Spy Rock off of Route 56 and I see that Carrie has beat me to it. Now not only has she hijacked the look of this site but she is also beating me to the punch. I will still post.

We went up to Spy Rock on Saturday which was a really rainy day early on but turned out to be a nice day. Up on top of the mountain it was really windy and pretty cold. There was some sun but not really enough to keep you warm. The hike is 1.3 miles. Roughly .8 of it is an access road with the final .5 on the Appalachian Trail or the AT. It was an easy hike. This spot gets a lot of traffic in the Summer and Spring... however, there were only 2 other people up there while we were there. It was a great 360 degree view as you can see from the hijackers video which I shot and the hijacker used. If you get a chance you should check this out.

Carrie is always able to make friends with the locals.

Spy Rock

We went hiking this weekend with my family up to Spy Rock in Nelson County. I have to say this is the most breath taking view I've seen. My mom almost missed it, but we convinced her it was worth the treacherous climb up the crack of the rock. Way to go Mom!

Jesse and I at the top.

It's even more beautiful in person!

A 360* view from the top

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blog hijacking.

Carrie hijacked the look of this blog. She has taken over.

Cliff Butternut, Adventure Extraordinaire

Monday, October 20, 2008

Jump Rope

I'm going to start jumping rope today. Yesterday, I bought my rope for $9.99 at Dick's Sporting Good's. Jesse has already been jumping for the past couple weeks. He's got it down pretty good. He can already jump for 20 minutes. (He's amazing and I love him). I hope I won't get discouraged quickly because I know it's something that takes time and perserverence....

Wish me luck!

Friday, October 17, 2008


I was lying on the couch after work, relaxing after a long day. Sweet little Madi was lying next to me. It was raining outside, we were cozy and warm. It was nice. Then Jesse came home from work and everything changed.
As he opened the door, Madi jumped up to greet him. In her excitement, she used my face as her jumping post. You can see the results below. Ouch.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dinner... left overs compiled.

Last night Carrie and I had a hodge podge of left overs. They were in the refrigerator and we got to have them all at once. It was certainly a motley looking dinner. Carrie was visibly angry... see photos below.
Spaghetti, corn & peas, salad, and ovaltine.

Dinner was good.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hiking/Camping at St. Mary's Wilderness

This past Saturday and Sunday Branden, Josh, and I went camping and hiking at St. Mary's Wilderness. None of us really knew how difficult the hike would be. I would estimate that over two days we hiked 16 or 17 miles. It was a great time and the weather was perfect. I did get a little cold at night as my sleeping bags loft is not what it used to be. Overall, this was an excellent trip. I look forward to doing it again.

Yours truly. That is a waterfall behind me.

Water running about 3 feet under the rock wall. It must have been running for a very long time.

Branden telling his famous ghost stories...

The Priest wilderness where I went hiking and camping a couple months back with my dad, uncle and two cousins.

Crawfish for dinner. We searched for these in the stream that ran about 10 feet from our campsite. I will be honest and say Josh caught all but about 3 of them. He is a hunter!