Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mass transit... buses...

I have never really thought much about carpooling or mass transit until energy prices began to rise so sharply. In fact, when I thought of mass transit I pictured people that were poor and unable to afford a car of their own. I am seeing the larger picture now... it is much, much less expensive to buy a bus pass than it is to buy a car and pay for all associated costs of owning a car. Doing on quick search on google.com I found the bus company that is located in Lynchburg, VA where I live. http://www.gltconline.com/ I can get a month long pass for $40 and a bike certificate for a one time fee of $3.00. So even if the bus routes don't go all over the city they certainly cover a wide area that is surely enough to get me near where I need to go and then ride my bike the rest of the way.

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