Monday, May 18, 2009

Jesse is 30! Continued....

But the birthday festivities didn't end there!  No!  We had to do something special on his actual birthday too.  This time I let Jesse pick....  Friday it was gourmet hamburgers on the grill, for which I made a modified version of this recipe.  They were amazing!

Followed by dessert of mint chip ice-cream and Sprite floats (yum!) and watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I cried... a lot. 

And that still wasn't it!  We carried this celebration on over to Sunday and we had some friends over for fish tacos and birthday cake.  I'm proud to say the food turned out really good and everyone left full and happy.  Thanks to Paul, Deb, and Heika for their assistance in the kitchen and Jordan for his help at the grill.

Zion and Isaiah watching Shrek before lunch

Getting the fish ready!

Heika and Isaiah enjoying the fish tacos 

The man of the hour with his German Chocolate Cake 
(I forgot to get candles)


Unknown said...

Hehe I love the candle you put on the cake! Looks like Jesse had a really good birthday this year! Good job Carrie!

Heidi said... sounded like a great birthday! You are such a great wife Carrie! I love you and can't to see you. Thanks for taking such great care of my little brother!