Sunday, March 15, 2009

Developing leaders in my FSA small group...

On Sunday morning's Carrie and I go to Brentwood Church ( and volunteer to help with students. I am a 3rd to 5th grade boys small group leader. It is really incredible to see how each of these kids has their own distinct personality. Even at 10 years old the leaders are leading and the other boys fall in line. Each kid I have is unique and a blessing to spend time with. I can remember when I was in 5th grade at church and how wide open I was... I can only imagine the teacher, Mr. Bishop, was irritated with the class. Though he may have been iritated he never neglected or lost sight of his reason for working with 5th grade boys. He is the person that initiated my accepting Christ and choosing to get baptized as an outward expressions of my faith. When I get irritated with my guys I remember my 5th grade teacher and relax. My group consists of Colin, Austin, Kyle, Cole, Devon, and others that don't attend as regularly as these guys.

1 comment:

Amee said...

Thanks for being a great leader! You may never know what kind of impact you have made on these boys. I know that they are better off from having spent their Sunday mornings with you:)