Sunday, March 15, 2009

ADD, ADHD, or whatever it is called now.

When I was roughly 18, I went for Attention Deficit Disorder testing at a very well respected research facility in Michigan. I put puzzles together while men with gray beards watched and made guttural sounds. I talked to psychiatrists and psychologists. It was a very interested process and in the end I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. My first recollection of having trouble in school was third grade. Then in fourth grade it was really apparent in hindsight that something was wrong. I nearly failed 5th grade and then DID fail 6th grade. Fast-forward 15 years or so... school is still difficult for me. But I want to finish and even go onto advanced degrees. I have this worry that due to ADD it will be nearly impossible for me to finish without medication. Most of the medication for ADD that is effective are stimulants aka amphetamines. The more I think about it the more I am resolute to the fact that I will NOT take a stimulant everyday to help me deal with my so-called disorder. Sometimes it is tuff doing things and staying on track... in fact most of the time it is. One of the things that helps me deal with ADD is exercise... I exercise a lot! Another thing that can be effective is time management. I say can because it is difficult to be disciplined in this area. It helps if I keep a calender or something similar. I will succeed in my desire to complete my undergrad and beyond. I like my disorder and frankly wouldn't have my mind any other way.

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