Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Giving for Today

I am in the process of starting a non-profit. I had no idea what the process was like until recently, let me tell you... it is not fun and takes a long time. But like some say, if it worth having it is worth working for. Fortunately, I have some great people around me that are giving some much needed guidance.

I won't forget the adventure.

Some say life is an adventure. It is easy to say something but have no indication that what you say is what is so. Looking at my life there is a lot of adventure. This adventure may not be apparent to those around me, I guess it shouldn't be because its not their adventure. I have seen and experienced adventure with money, time, relationships, and stuff.

Money: I have dug Carrie and I some pretty deep financial holes. Thankfully, Carrie is great at managing the books. I had a very difficult time accepting our personal financial crisis. But I can tell you that we were not able to experience freedom from this pit until we took responsibility and owned our debt. We are close.

Time: I have attempted to free up time by giving up some hobbies. Back in the day I golfed all the time. I don't anymore... I may go 4 or 5 times per season which is enough for me. I have made a commitment to myself that any new hobby I take on Carrie must be able to join in. We went fly fishing together and it was a great time!

Relationships: Spending time with people is fun. I enjoy conversation. I enjoy sharing my vision and hearing about other peoples vision. It is especially great when two visions can be joined for a greater vision.

Stuff: Carrie and I have gotten rid of a lot of the "stuff" that filled our house. It is a constant struggle for me to get rid of stuff. I think what if I need this or that again... it is not worth keeping if I use it every once in a while. I prefer to borrow a friends. I tell my friends if I have something don't buy it because you can use mine.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Observations from gardening...

Our garden has begun to produce a fair amount of vegetables. Something I have noticed is the savings gained by growing your own food. If we don't use the vegetables fairly quickly they will be no good. I have noticed on a few occasions when we would have had to make some sort of side dish we have been able to use vegetables from our garden. Another thing... it is crazy the way people light up when you give them food. Carrie and I have given the people across the street cucumbers and a zucchini bread and they love it. It is great to see people happy simply by giving them a vegetable. I can see how communities were developed back in the day when everyone was growing and sharing food.

Carrie made this zucchini bread. The loaf in the middle has poppy seeds on it.

Sundays with Zucchini...

After church this past Sunday Carrie and I came home and had a great lunch. Carrie took zucchini that we grew and cut it up into what looked like french fries. Then she breaded them and fried them in oil... they were really great!

I know that in the photo Rummy looks like he is happy to see you. Well, he isn't. This is the face he makes when he wants to say, "I don't like you." Get over it.

Carrie - The Dog Talker.

Carrie is great with our dogs. In fact, she is so good they like to use her as a pillow. Rummy is a great dog and Madi is not bad.

Monday, July 28, 2008

New Furniture

Here they are as promised...

I'm not as young as I used to be...

This weekend Jesse and I got new furniture, well, new to us furniture. I can imagine that this furniture sat in some old lady's house covered in plastic for years and years and was barely sat on. We'll post pictures of it once we have everything rearranged... It's an awesome yellow and green floral - totally retro.

Anyway, while Jesse was picking it up from the Estate Specialist on Saturday (awesome antique store in Lynchburg), I decided to move our old furniture out of the way. That was a bad idea seeing as our old furniture is massive and heavy. Now it is Monday and my back is yelling at me for thinking I can do that kind of thing on my own. I have come to the realization that I'm not as young as I used to be... 27 is tough.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The many faces of Carrie.

I was going through iPhoto tonight and found some interesting photos of Carrie. I can tell you Carrie has always had a great sense of fashion. In fact, if you ask her for her opinion she will gladly tell you what to wear.

The last one is me... in case you didn't know. Again, as you can tell from the photos, Carrie is great with style.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Zucchini - from garden to dinner...

So Carrie prepared a couple of zucchini for dinner a few nights ago. They were excellent. It makes me feel good to be eating stuff that we cared for. Next year we plan on expanding our garden extensively. We planted way to much stuff for the space we have... however, having never planted a garden we had no idea. Vegetables really need space in order to do their thing. Thanks for stopping by to see what we are up too.

Monday, July 7, 2008

I am thankful for these soldiers.

U.S. military service members take an oath at a mass re-enlistment ceremony in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, July 4, 2008. 1215 service members re-enlisted Friday during an Independence Day ceremony at al-Faw palace at Camp Victory.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The garden bears vegetables...

So, we have eaten from what we planted a couple months ago. So far we have bunch of cucumbers and beans coming in. Carrie cut up the first cucumber and gave thanks. The beans are trickling in. Everything is good so far.

Funny story... I got home from somewhere and Carrie was in the backyard working in the garden. She had something protruding from her sweatshirt that she is not genetically equipped for. So I ask her, "Is that a cucumber in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" It turns out it was the cucumber in the photo above. I was relieved.

Three Ridges & The Priest Wilderness

So two weeks ago my Dad, Uncle, Cody (cousin), Ariel (cousin), and myself went hiking and camping on the Appalachian Trail. My uncle asked me to find a good place to go... naturally I found a place. I know of a couple of places around my house that provide great views and some good hiking. What I didn't know is that the section I took them on is considered by many to be the most difficult vertical climb on the entire trail. It was pretty brutal. Don't get me wrong, I am glad we did it and would do it again, I would just slim down my pack to essentials. Did I really need to bring my 6 person glass hookah? In hindsight, a 4 person would have been fine. Anyways, it rained for the better part of the first day, which kept us cool. I will post more photos later and a better write-up and maybe some links to what we hiked.

Not sure who this bozo is below... I think he was a through hiker. He followed us the entire time. We finally clubbed him and left him in a stream.

Carrie paints the bedroom...

So this holiday weekend Carrie tackled the bedroom. Previously it was gray... kind of dark and boring. Now it is nice and yellow. Carrie did an excellent job. She primed the walls and put two coats of paint. She painted the ceiling and also did all of the trim. She has got far more patience than I have and frankly she is good at painting. I like the color she choose - she asked me if I liked it and I do. So far she has done all of the painting and choose good colors.

What did I do this long weekend you might ask... I cut the grass and got stung twice by an army of bees that built a nest in the ground in our front yard. I wouldn't bother it but it is right in the middle of our yard. So, I poured gas in it and then struck a match. I was trying to think of ways to get rid of them without destroying them as bees are severely in decline. But I couldn't think of a realistic way to do so without being mauled by an angry mob of bees. I had a memorial service for them with Rummy. He cried.