Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eat your veggies!

We have veggies!!
Pole beans and carrots. I picked these carrots a little early because I was so curious... they should get about 6 inches long when they are fully grown. They are crooked because our soil isn't completely rock free and they grow around the rocks. I tried one and it tasted like - a carrot! Shocking!
It's so exciting to take something from a seed and watch it grow, and then eat it!


Heidi said...

That is soooo exciting! Steve really wants us to do a garden next year so we might be coming to you for some advice :) I love you guys!!! By the was great seeing you 4th of July weekend :)


Nikki said...

Good job on the garden! That is interesting that the carrots grow crooked around rocks. Never knew that. Mark and I say we are going to grow tomatoes every year, but we never do. Adam wanted to get the Topsy Turvey thing this summer...have you seen that? He doesnt like tomatoes, but I think he thought the Topsy Turvy was cool.

I just got your comment on my post. I didnt know you had a Boston Terrier!!! But I just scrolled through your old posts and saw him. ADORABLE! We want one so bad.