Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thinking about life...

So I am sitting on my deck listening to James Taylor's greatest hits and watching my dogs wander around the yard. The dogs just walk around sniffing things and taking the occasional break, i.e. lay down and look at nothing specifically. I get a sense of enjoyment watching my little friends enjoying themselves in the warm sun and cool grass. It makes me wonder if God watches me enjoy things simple. Does He find the same sense of enjoyment when I go hiking and enjoy His wonderful creation? Lately, I have felt stressing trying to focus on so many things at once without seeking guidance. What will I do for the rest of my life? So frequently I fill my time up with things that really don't matter at the expense of pursuits that have meaningful value... like spending time with Carrie and seeking God fully. Sometimes I feel like I spend 80% of my time on things of no consequence and 20% on things that mean the most to me. I am working to reverse that ratio - it is so hard to take myself out of the moment and see what is really important. "The secret of life is enjoying passing time." James Taylor - Funny, that line was just in a song that is playing in the background. I desire to have deeper relationships with fewer people as opposed to many surface deep relationships. Anyways...

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