Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas and Bob Marley.

Carrie and I were invited to a Christmas party this past weekend. It was a good time spending time with old friends and having a chance to meet some new people. I am glad that Christmas parties only happen once a year... a lot of small talk and telling my story over and over again. I prefer to ask people their deepest fears and then make rude comments when I see them later... it is good for throwing them off their game. Below is what Carrie looked like... very nice!I came home from work one day and all Carrie was saying was, "ho, ho, ho"... I am not a ho. She wears this goofy hat and jacket because she thinks they look regal. I think they look elderly. The belt is nice.
This is Carrie working on our Christmas "tree". It is hard to call it a tree when it is really a bunch of wire and plastic... there is nothing tree about it. It does not grow, filter air, or produce fruit. Frankly, to call it a tree is a lie. Carrie did a good job decorated our metal wire / plastic fixture.

I am not feeling very festive lately. I love the Christmas holiday but I am not feeling the gifts and stuff in general. My mom and stepdad did get me a great backpack which I really like. Other than that I don't really want much. In fact, lately it is just the opposite, I have been getting rid of stuff on eBay and Goodwill. When I say that I need something it is almost always and exaggeration. I fell into a trap a long time ago that told me I need more stuff... sometimes I feel like my house is full of stuff that has little or no value and really just ties me down. It would be interesting to put together a list of 10 or 15 things that I NEED and then get rid of everything else. Obvisouly, furniture and things like that would not be included. I am referring to personal effects like a computer, watch, and such.



Brian Miller said...

Our first year with an artificial tree, it sucks! Hope you have a great Christmas!

Jesse said...

Indeed. Our fake tree sheds like a real one. I hate it.

Brian Miller said...

haha. luckily ours does not shed. it's just fake.

Anonymous said...

Carrie...your outfit for the party looked really cute! I like that neckline on you! Love you! Heidi