Thursday, August 21, 2008

Things That Go Bump in the Night

The invasion has begun... Rhaphidophoridae, better known as Camel Crickets, have started lining the stairwell to our basement as they did last summer and as they probably have done every summer before that. They are the scariest looking bugs I've seen in person. They look like large jumping spiders, and I hate spiders. Luckily they are harmless, and as fast as they are, Madi is faster. She likes to play with them but mostly ends up killing them unwillingly.

I also came across Toad tonight. He likes to sit in the dark and catch bugs for dinner, maybe even a camel cricket or two.

1 comment:

lynn d. said...

When I was a kid living in Detroit, on Ashton, we had those camel crickets in our basement for years. It was so creepy. None of us wanted to go down there cause they might hop out at us! I've never seen them anywhere else til now.