Wednesday, April 30, 2008

When did my family go from one car to two?

My earliest recollection of life was living in a 1960's era neighborhood in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. It was a small house on Bedford that had a double lot perfect for playing baseball in the backyard... just don't hit the ball to far or you have to go get it. The house had a small driveway that was perfect for one car... which at that point my parents had a single vehicle. That car was a gray Ford Fairmont. When my dad would go to work he didn't take the car, no he rode his bike. I remember him peddling off down the street on his green ten speed. Then for some reason during the next couple of years we moved around a bit... I don't really know but I think we still had a single gray Fairmont. I can remember very clearly when we transitioned from one car to two. It was roughly 3rd grade for me at Wareing Elementary in Taylor, Michigan. We got the news sitting in the sun room of the house that my parents were divorcing. That is the point my dad moved out and bought Volkswagen Scirocco. From that point forward I had in my mind that it was normal for families to have two cars. Which if it the norm for parents get divorced than it is a necessity to have two cars. I don't want to get divorced and I don't want two cars. I want one car and two bicycles.


Paul Dudley said...

i would agree completely with you jesse... gardening is a great way to utilize the resources that God has given us...

in many ways it brings us back to how it was in the beginning when we were given the responsibilities of working the ground to help bring fourth shrubs and plants. Genesis 2:5 "and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was NO MAN to WORK the ground"...

as God found delight in bringing forth the creation, so I think God desired us to experience some of that delight as we work the ground in helping to bring forth plants and shrubs...

I find great joy in working the ground to prepare the land to bring forth an harvest of food... to see the work and watch the Lord water and bring the Sun and then to see the plant take form and grow to produce fruit is so rewarding...

maybe that is why we have been called to go work the land for the gospel... the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few...

this summer one community church is planting a garden in the downtown area to grow vegetables and build relationship... our hope is to teach and train the area people how to harvest the land they own to grow their own food and at the same time open their eyes to the wonderful amazing Love of God...

I believe in what you are doing and hope many many more will follow...

thank you for leading the way...

paul dudley

Cheri Lynn said...

Your one car blog made me cry. You are a great writer Jesse! Carrie is blessed to have you as a husband, and of course you are blessed to have her!